I want to add a monetary value to a Final Hour campaign

(Super)Company Admin > Company Contributions > Other contributions

This function is only available to super company administrators. Please contact your program administrator to gain access to this area.

When you have been given permission access to this you will this icon under Insights and Actions in your Company Admin view.

Other contributions will be default tab selected when you open Company Contributions.




A window will appear and if you have previously added a monetary value to a final hour campaign you will see on your screen similar to the display below.

To add a monetary value to a final hour campaign

Click Actions and select Add Final Hour Donation, a window will appear as shown below.

  • First, select the campaign in the drop down menu.

  • Then enter the total amount raised for the campaign.

  • Enter the number of participants, you can find this figure by going to Final Hour.

  • Then select the date of the amount was recorded eg Finance may have payment date.

  • We have provided a notes/ reference field for your record management.

  • Click Save when finished, your tally on User Homepage will be updated.