How to Cancel/Delete a Donation on Behalf of an Employee

Depending on the needs of your program and the processes we have provided you with the ability to add donations on behalf of an employee.

Company Admin > My Company > Employee Contributions

This is only available to Company Admins that have super administrator access.


After clicking on Employee Contributions, you will see a list of employee names on your screen. Go to the search field to enter the employee name you are looking for and then click on the Manage Contributions button.

You will be re-directed to the following page:

This page shows all the monetary contributions donated by the employee. To find all of the regular giving donations in which you wish to cancel select "Pending" in the status bar at the top of the screen. See image below for reference 

This will re-direct you to a page similar to the one below showing all the pending donations which are usually regular giving donations 

  • Once you have found the correct donation click the Cancel button. Complete the steps to confirm your action to delete the donation.

  • Next, to view the cancelled donation by selecting the Cancelled option in the drop-down menu.