Workplace Giving Program

Workplace Giving Program

We have a number of money giving modules that you can engage and raise funds within the workplace. Each module reflects a different campaign type and the functionality to support your fundraising goals and/or social impact.

Our Money Giving modules


  • Final Hour (released June 2020)

  • Social Cause (released June 2020)

When you have activated the module, the campaign type will be available to your program under the Campaigns icon.

Campaigns can be created from charity templates or without one, this will provide your company the flexibility to tailor the campaign content to your target audience and social impact.

Start building campaigns now to raise funds, connect and communicate your message across your company!

Understanding the Donation User Flow

Once your company has opted in to one of the Money Giving Modules, all Users will be able to access that specific module from a dedicated homepage tile on their landing page or the Money Giving Marketplace icon in the navigation bar.

Both access points will take you straight to the Give Money Marketplace.

To check out the donation user flow :Your Give Money Marketplacearchived

How to Articles

Creating a campaign from a charity template

From time to time, charities may have campaigns they would like to promote during the year and will provide templates for your company to use with suggested content, images, campaign dates and dollar handles.

Creating a campaign without a template 

When you would like to create a campaign and there are no charity templates or the available templates are not suitable for your needs you can select this option to create a campaign.