Company Contributions

Company Contributions

(Super)Company Admin > Company Contributions

This function is only available to super company administrators. Please contact your program administrator to gain access to this area.

When you have been given permission access to this you will this icon under Insights and Actions in your Company Admin view. Company Contributions allows you to view, manage and add contributions such as historical records, corporate/seed donations and other contributions that may have monetary values such as food collection drives or final hour appeals.

Other contributions

This tab is where you can add, manage and review your monetary values for campaigns, appeals and collection drive run in your workplace giving program. By adding a monetary value here this will update your Give money tally in your User Homepage. No individual figures will be attributed to your employees. For this type of campaign we recommend using one of our give money modules eg one-off giving, support a colleague or regular giving.

Check out how to add a monetary value to a final hour campaign here.

Seed Donations

This tab is a summary of your seed donations in your regular giving, one-off giving and support a colleague modules. This amount typically relates to corporate donations and will be made by your Finance team off-platform directly the charity. This allows a record to be linked to this campaign and for your Give money tally in your User Homepage to be updated with this record. Check out how to add a seed donation to your campaign here.

You can export this list by clicking Actions.

Historical contributions

This tab provides you with the ability to pre-load historical records of your company. Typically you will have had the opportunity to upload your historical records to the platform during implementation. Remember that these records are historical therefore any updates here will only update the lifetime tally on your User Homepage. Your current reporting year cannot be updated from here.

Check out how to add a historical contribution here.

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