Managing Registrations for Final Hour & Social Cause

Managing Registrations for Final Hour & Social Cause

Company Admin > Final Hour & Social Cause

To manage your registrations or add a registration on behalf of an employee, Click on the icon required as shown below.

You will be taken to the registration management page for each of the modules. At the top of the page you will see filters to refine your search or locate an employee.

Register on behalf of an employee

Click on Actions on the top right corner and select Register on behalf of option in the menu.

A window will appear as shown below. Click on the Email field and start entering the employee’s name.

A drop down menu will appear with a selection of potential names. Find and click the name you require.

Then select the Social cause campaign you would like to register the employee to.

Once you have completed the selection, Click Save.

The registration will appear on your screen as shown below.

You will see that the Status is Registered. Your employee will see that they have registered in their Other Giving tab in My Giving.

When the campaign is over the Status will display Done.


Cancel Registration on behalf of an employee

From time to time, an employee may change their mind after registration. Social Cause and Final Hour campaigns do not allow employees to self-cancel their registrations. For them to cancel a Social Cause or Final Hour registration they will need to contact you or your Program Administrator.

To cancel a registration, find the employee using the filters above.

You will see at the end of the row, next to the Status of the employee’s registration you will see a yellow button to cancel registration. Click on the button.


The cancel button will disappear and the Status will be updated to Cancelled.

Export Registrations

When you finish your Social Cause or Final Hour campaign you can export the registrations and send them to Finance or Payroll to deduct the pledge for this campaign.

Simply click on Actions and select Export Registrations. The file will be downloaded to your local computer or location you have selected for Downloads.

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