Content Editor

Content Editor

Settings > Employees > Edit

The purpose of a content editor is to provide administrative access to specific Company Admin functions that allows the user to:

Giving Modules

  • Create, Edit and Update Content and Images in Campaigns

  • Create, Edit and Update Content in General and Skilled Volunteering.

  • Manage, Add, Waitlist and Cancel Registrations for all Volunteering, Sponsorship, Social Cause and Final Hour modules.

Custom Content

Customise your Content Editor Role

Depending on the modules included in your employee engagement platform we have provided you with the option to assign specific modules to access to your content editor. When you have found the employee profile you require, click Edit and scroll down to the bottom on the pop-up window to the available tick boxes for access. Tick is content editor of this company.

A field will appear, if you leave it blank all modules available to your organisation will be accessible to edit content for this employee. To restrict it to particular modules, click the field and a drop down selection will appear. Select the options you would like and then click Save.


You can see Content Editor excludes Insights and Actions that can add donations on behalf of an employee, or export a list of seed donations made by the company. Further Settings is not available to a Content Editor.

If you need to add or enable a charity to your program from our platform database then you must have super admin permission access.


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