Homepage Tally

Homepage Tally

The homepage tally is a great way to showcase your program’s progress and the collective social impact of your employees!

Depending on your module selection, we offer up to three (3) tallies.

Your homepage tallies will display your social impact for the reporting year on the left column (grey) and in a lifetime tally (green) on your right.

Order of Display

If you have all modules then the tallies are displayed in the following order.

  • ProBono

  • Volunteer

  • Give Money

If you have two or more modules you are not able to change the order of the tallies. You will still have the same order has above minus the module you have not selected.

Tally Headings and Titles

As you can see in the example displayed above there are heading and titles in the tally. All the fields are configurable and can be tailored to your program needs. Typically we provide you assistance as part of your implementation, however if you decide to edit these fields head to Home page under Custom Content in Company Admin.

Configurable Fields in Home page


Configurable Fields in Home page


Your Impact Summary

Together, look at the difference we’ve made

Your pro bono impact

Pro Bono Projects

Your volunteer impact


Your donation impact


Your reporting year title

Financial Year 2020

Your pledges since title

Since 2018

Tally Calculations

Pro Bono

This tally is based on the hours completed.


This tally is based on the hours completed and registered.

Give Money

Depending on how many give money modules you have eg regular, one-off, support a colleague and sponsorship this tally records your program.

Currently, our tally amount is calculated based upcoming pledges and any paid donations.

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