Admin Permissions and User Access

Admin Permissions and User Access

(Super) Company Admin > Settings > Employees

This function is only available to super company administrators. Please see below to find out how to get super company administrator access.

Depending on your team and organisational needs we have provided you with several access levels to administrative functions on our platform.

To allocate permission access to an employee on your team, as super company administrator head to Settings in the navigation bar on the left side of your screen. Then click Employees.

Find the employee, in the search or filter fields. Click Edit to open the employee profile in a pop up window. Then scroll down to the bottom of the window to the tick boxes as shown below.

Simply tick the relevant box below and Click Save to update admin permissions for that employee.

Content Editor (recent release)


If you have ticked the following box then you will see the functions below in Company Admin View.

To find out what administrative access a content editor has click here.


If you have ticked the following box then you will see the functions below in Company Admin View.

You will have access to Insights & Actions and Modules & User Agreement in Custom Content.

Payroll Admin

If you have ticked the following box then you will see the functions below in Payroll Admin View.

For more information about Payroll Admin head to I am a Payroll Administrator.

Super Admin

If you have ticked the following box then you will see the functions below in Company Admin View.

A Super Admin has full access to all Company Admin functions.

My Company
