I am having issue with my linked Stripe account

This page is for charity’s who have previously completed linking their Stripe account to Catalyser and requires further troubleshooting.

If you are having trouble linking your charity’s Stripe account please follow the guide https://catalyser.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CUGCP/pages/757661797.

We have listed a few common issues our charity partners may experience from time to time.

We recommend reviewing your charity Stripe account details as updates to privacy and security protocols are reviewed by Stripe on a regular basis, we’ve provided a few common updates required https://catalyser.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CUGCP/pages/954564847.

Please note the following are updates are required by Stripe and are subject to their account review and verification processes. Information provided to Stripe is not shared with Catalyser or stored on our platform.

To check the link to Catalyser on your charity Stripe account, follow this guide https://catalyser.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CUGCP/pages/954564847.