Enabling/Disabling a Charity

Enabling/Disabling a Charity

You will need super administrator access to complete the below actions.

Company Admin > Settings > Charities

As Company Administrator you can enable and disable charities that you would like to support in your organisation’s program. You have access to more than 200 charities to add to your program.

Below is an example of what you will see when you have enabled charities to your organisation. To see  To enable charities to become visible to your organisation and to manage your list of charities follow instructions below: 

Search for your Charity

To find a charity you would like to support use the Search field and enter the charity name then untick the Enabled Charity only box.

After you have found your charity, the screen below will display the charity name has been shaded.

To Enable your selected charity 

Click on the empty field under Causes, select at least one cause in the drop down menu, this will change the charity from Disabled > Enabled.

When the charity is enabled, the charity will be clearly displayed.

To add an additional cause click on the box underneath the title Causes again, a drop box will appear. Select a cause(s) that aligns with the particular charity. 

At the moment, you cannot yet add a charity yourself. If you would like to add a charity, please send an email to admin@catalyser.com.

Contact and Banking information, Donation reports

To help you support your list of charities, we have provided you with the option to view contact and bank information of the charities on the platform, simply click the More button and select the Contact and banking information on the drop down menu.


To view and export a donation report of each charity you can also click More and select Donation reports.

Version 7 September 2020

Version 7 September 2020

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