Which matching rule to use?

Which matching rule to use?

We have two types of matching rules available on the platform to run your company’s matching policy.

Special and Default Rules

As a Super Admin you can decide to use special rules only, default rules only or a combination of the two to suit your program.

Special Rules

Your company may focus on particular campaigns throughout the year, with set budgets per campaign. A great way to set matching up is by using our special rules. Special rules allows you to set matching rules for campaigns individually or a collection of campaigns with preset times.

This may align with your charity partners' feature campaign or you may support a particular fundraiser challenge in your company and help them boost their fundraising efforts.

Special rules also allow you to boost matching on top of your regular matching policy.

Check out how to create a special rule.

Default Rules

Your company may have an annual matching policy that compliments your dedicated regular or payroll giving program.

Our default rule allows you to set a rule that runs annually and will automatically reset at the start of your reporting year. It suits companies that has a broad policy with an annual budget or limit but has the flexibility to let employees choose the charity they wish to have their donation matched.

The default, can be tailored to particular employee types or types of donation.

Check out how to create a default rule.

Default and Special Rules

Your company may run a regular (payroll) giving program, in addition to supporting key campaigns throughout the year. For this, we recommend that you use a combination of default and special rules.

When a special rule is active, any default rule that is active already will pause for the duration of the special rule. When the special rule ends the default rule will be automatically apply to donations again.

Difference between Default Rule and Special Rule

Rule Criteria



Rule Criteria



Time Limit

For default it is your reporting year. You cannot set a time limit. If you need to set a limit less than your reporting year then you should create a special rules instead.

You are required to set a start and end date.

*Compulsory field


You can select a module or default to All modules (excluding sponsorship). The matching rule will apply to all live campaigns in that module eg regular or payroll giving.

*Compulsory field






The rule will apply to the selected campaign(s). You have the option to select one or more campaign for that rule.

*Compulsory field

Donation %

You can set the default matching amount. 1:1 or 100% equates to matching every dollar of an employee’s donation per transaction.

*Compulsory field

If you have a default rule existing you can boost matching above the default rule by entering 200% for a specific period.

*Compulsory field

Employee Type

You can select a specific employee type(s) or leave blank to allow all employee donations to be matched.

You can select a specific employee type(s) or leave blank to allow all employee donations to be matched.

Rule Limit

Applies to the above selection.

Applies to the above selection.

User Limit

Applies to the above selection.

Applies to the above selection.

Custom Matching Statement

If you have created a platform statement it will appear if you do not create a custom statement, however if you create a custom statement here this will appear instead.

If you have created a platform statement it will appear if you do not create a custom statement, however if you create a custom statement here this will appear instead.

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