No payment options

No payment options

No payment options available

There are 3 options for donating: Payroll giving, credit/debit card donations, and via PayPal Giving Fund. The availability of these options depends on the program settings (Payroll and/or card donations) and the charity’s preferred payment gateway solution and the jurisdiction they are in.

You may come across a “No payment options available” message when attempting to donate to a cause. This could be due to the following reasons:

  1. Your Workplace Giving program only allows Payroll Giving and you might not be set up to participate in Payroll Giving in your company based on your profile (Employee type, Office location, etc.). Please contact your program administrator for confirmation.

  2. Your Workplace Giving program offers card donations but the charity does not have its payment details or payment gateway solution set up yet.

If you believe that these are not the causes of the issue and that it is a technical problem, please contact us using the “Contact Us” widget in the bottom right of the platform or through support@catalyser.com.


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