Bulk Uploading your volunteering opportunities

Bulk Uploading your volunteering opportunities

We recommend you review Creating and managing your Volunteering Event before trying Bulk Uploading your opportunities.

Bulk upload opportunities is available on your platform and can assist in streamlining your processes when managing your volunteering program.

Volunteering > Actions > Manage Volunteering > Actions > Batch Upload Opportunities


Go to Manage Volunteering and then click on the Actions button.

A drop down menu will appear and select Batch Upload Opportunities.


To review and manage your import files you will be able to see it here, an example is below.

Preparing to your import file 

This step is key to having a clean bulk upload. This means the errors or warning will be kept to a minimum.

First step is to ensure you are using the latest version of the blank template.

To find a copy, click on Actions and select Add Upload.

You will see the hyperlink blank template. Click on it and a copy will be downloaded to your computer. Go to where files are downloaded and click to open it. It should be in a csv file format. Remember, do not delete or change the column headings as this will affect the bulk upload.

Transfer the data you require in the fields provided. Remember there is a guide provided at the top of the page each column has a tool tip.

When you have finished transferring the data to the template. Remember to save a copy with the file name you can remember. Keep the format as csv.

Uploading your file 

First you will need to Choose an Event to bulk upload the opportunities to.

Then Choose your file and click on Batch Upload Event Opportunities.

Review your import file

When the opportunities are uploaded, you will be redirected to a review screen where you can troubleshoot your import, if needed.


If your file is correct, the status shown will be Pending. You can go ahead and upload, click Approve. Once the upload is complete the status will be APPROVE.

If your file is not correct, the status shown will be Failed. You will need to read the errors log and re try with a correct the data in the file. You can click Delete and try again.

A record of the attempted bulk upload will be displayed and the status will be FAILED.

Tip: If you are confident using bulk upload you can also use it to update your existing opportunities.

To take this option you will need to use the External Opportunity ID field. This will be the unique identifier for your opportunities. We recommend you not used this method unless you are familiar with this functionality. Chat with your Accounts Manager for more details.

Version 9 September 2020

Version 9 September 2020

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