Adding Terms and Conditions to a Volunteering Event

Now that you have created a new Pro Bono/Skilled Volunteering event you can add the terms and conditions that are specific to your event. 

Follow the below instructions: 

  • To start click “Switch View” at the top of the 'employee' homepage

  • Select “Company Admin” from drop down.

  • Select “Pro Bono” logo. This will take you to the “Pro Bono” home page as seen below


  • Find your event, either by using the search bar at the top or scrolling through the list.

  • Select "More" corresponding with the particular even you wish to add T&Cs. 

  • Select the “Terms and Conditions” button. This will redirect you to the page below 

  • Add your terms and conditions and save the text. 

Where will the employees see the terms and conditions? 

Your employees will be able to see these T&Cs when they need to confirm their 'Expressions of Interest'. 

Version 21/1/20

Version 21/1/20