Creating your Pro Bono/Skilled Volunteering Event

Creating your Pro Bono/Skilled Volunteering Event

Adding an event 

Click the Pro Bono /Skilled volunteering icon.

Click the Actions button at the top right hand side of the page

Select Add Event 

A window will appear as shown below.

Name and Description

Enter the name of your Event, this is for your reference and content management rather than for display across your platform. You can also enter a brief description for your team to identify the event.

Time zone 

Select the timezone applicable for your event. This is the time zone that the overall event will generally be taking place in. Your dates and session times will be reflected accordingly. When you set up your opportunity you can select a different timezone as well and will override the event timezone.

Start time 

Select the date/time that the event begins and when registrations will open. 

To create a view only period for your opportunities, you can untick the box next to Make opportunity visibility start time the same as the event start time? and enter a date before or after the event start date.

End time 

Select the date/time that the event finishes. 

What is view only?

This is when you would like to display your opportunities in the marketplace before or after registrations are open.

Registration Deadline 

An event registrations deadline is optional. This will be the default deadline applied to all the opportunities under this event. If required you can still edit the registration deadline in the opportunity section of the platform.  

Additional Information

Event specific activity, merchandise or food 

Depending on the pro-bono/skilled volunteering opportunity there may be a requirement for additional activities, food and merchandise. 

Add these details in this section by clicking on the "enter option" tab and confirm this by clicking "Add option". See image below 

Click Remove button if you have made a mistake as displayed below.

When finished, Click Save.

To Edit an existing Pro Bono/ Skilled Volunteering Event

Click on Edit button. This will redirect you to a page with all the event information as shown below. Click Save when you have finished editing the information required.


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