Donations for processing require an action from the payroll team.
Donations for processing include three sets of data:
- New Donations,
- Changed Donations and
- Cancelled Donations.
There are a range of filters and search options available. You can use the “Save Filter” option to save searches that your company uses regularly (e.g. searches for certain employee types, or donations for a specific charity). You can also export your search results.
All the donations for processing will need to be confirmed by the payroll team. The aim of this processing is to validate the new pledge, the changed pledge or the cancellation of a pledge and by doing so confirming that these changes have been done in the payroll system of the company.
What is a bulk review?
Bulk Review will summarise the pledges that will be added to payroll. If you want to remove a pledge, you can deselect it in that review. Click on “Add to Payroll” when you confirm these pledges are added to the company payroll system.
Once you have added these donations to payroll, they will no longer appear in the New Donations list. They will appear as “Pending” under the “All Donations” section.
I have added a donation to payroll. Does that mean the donation is paid on the platform?
There is a fundamental difference between the two status. On one hand, “Adding to Payroll” means that the pledges are integrated in the system and will be paid when the next payroll cycle occurs. On the other hand, a pledge is paid at the date of the payroll cycle. For example, if employee John Smith pledges his first AUD15 regular pledge to WWF on the 10th of September, the pledge will appear in New Donations on that date. The payroll team adds to payroll by clicking on “add to payroll” on the 15th of September. Because John Smith’ payroll cycle is monthly and starts on the first day of the month, the pledge will be processed for the first time on the first of October. The donation is thus added to the payroll system on the 15th of September and paid on the 1rd of October.
Note: There are some cases where the pledge has already been added to payroll and still need to be added to the platform. In this situation, the company admin can add a donation on behalf of the employee in Company admin > Employees > select the employee and “Donations on behalf” and then selected “reviewed by payroll”. When this option is selected, the pledge is directly added to the payroll cycle and does not need to be confirmed by payroll in “Donations for Processing”.
New Donations
- Select the New Donations that need to be processed.
- Under the filters, there is a count of the pledges selected and their total amount that will help you confirm you checked the right pledges.
- Once you are satisfied with the selected, click on “Bulk Review”.
Changed Donations
A donation is "changed" when an employee has edited a regular donation pledge (e.g. increased or decreased the donation amount). By actioning "Update in payroll", you will confirm the change for that pledge.
- Select the updated Donations that need to be processed.
- Under the filters, there is a count of the pledges selected and their total amount that will help you confirm you checked the right pledges.
- Once you are satisfied with the selected, click on “Bulk Review”.
Cancelled Donations
Cancelled donations are the donations that have been cancelled by the employee on their My Giving page or by the Company Admin under Employees > Manage Donations.
By actioning "Cancel in payroll", you confirm that this pledge has been removed in the company payroll. For regular donations, all subsequent pledges will also be cancelled.
- Select the Cancelled Donations that need to be processed.
- Under the filters, there is a count of the pledges selected and their total amount that will help you confirm you checked the right pledges.
- Once you are satisfied with the selected, click on “Bulk Review”.
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