Versions Compared


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  • Edit an opportunity - click the pencil icon next to a session to access the edit opportunity page

  • View an opportunity as an employee - click the eye icon to see the opportunity detail page



Further session details present on the Admin volunteer registrations page

Displays minimum and maximum volunteers required as a reference point

Reference References to the team leader will be displayed after the session has concluded.

Volunteer Marketplace

1.3 Greater volunteering marketplace session visibility

All sessions will be visible on the marketplace unless the event they are associated with has ended or the events' visibility is adjusted. This means there will be more options visible on the marketplace.


  1. From the volunteering marketplace, choose a volunteering opportunity

  2. On the volunteering opportunity page, you will now see an view all attendees link

  3. Click on this link to access the attendance management page

This page will now also be accessible to employees, however they will be able to perform limited functions.

2.2 Additional features on the attendance management page

Additional functions available on the attendance management page include:

  • Export registrations list to a csv/excel file

  • Add volunteers

  • Cancel volunteers (individually and in bulk)

2.2.1 Export registrations list to an a csv/excel file

On the attendance management page, select the export button to download a copy of all registrations. The export will contain registered users only.

2.2.2 Add volunteer registrations

Adding volunteers will be available by the ‘Add volunteer’ button on the attendance management page. Employees will be able to access and use this add volunteer button until registration deadline is reached or the day of the session has arrived. (standard waitlist rules continue to apply.)

Team leaders will continue to have access to the add volunteer button on the day of the session. They can add volunteers on the day of the session regardless of the session maximum volunteer limit.

2.2.3 Cancel volunteers (individually and in bulk)

From the attendance management page, a team leader can select the cancel link text next to a registration record to cancel and individual registration.

To cancel in bulk, select the check box next to multiple names and choose the cancel button at the top of the page to cancel the registration.

Important notes-

  • Team leaders will be able to cancel any registration record for the teams they manage up until the start time of the session. Once a session has started then the record cannot be cancelled. If the volunteer doesn’t show they should be marked as absent.

  • Employees will have access to the attendance management page as well. However they will only be able to cancel registrations that they have made either for themself or on behalf of others. They will be able to cancel up until the day of the volunteering session. Should they need to cancel on the day of the session, they will need to contact the team leader to inform them.

2.3 Extended period for marking attendance
